
The Girl that found Bluetooth

Hiding the earpiece under her long hair as she walked around the bar, it seemed like she was talking to herself. To me it seemed like she enjoyed her conversation with herself so much that she'd rather share the experience with every one that came into an earshot of her voice. I was wrong.

She bought her bluetooth on the way to the bar. She was able to drink, play video poker, and smoke cigarettes without holding a phone to her ear. She told the person on the other end her every move.

"Should I take a smoke break?"

"Should I double down, right here?"

Knowing the person on the other end could only afford a cordless phone, she had a smile bigger than her four of a kind.

Later, to the bartender, she whispered her drink order. I assume it was because she was listening to someone on the other end, trying not to disturb him or her.

She ordered two drinks. One for her, and...

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