
Could I be European?

I don't know if it's because I've watched a lot of foreign movies lately or if it's because I have over ten years experience of working in hotels were I see people from all over the world, but I can't shake this feeling that I should be living in a foreign country, probably Europe.

I've never been in any European country, so they could all suck. I have this nightmarish daydream (nightmarish daydream? I know this isn't grammatically correct, but it sounds cool) were I end up moving to a European country and my whole life has changed for the better - than I get robbed of all my money, ending up living a homeless life with a bunch of Parisians, and other people from outside of whatever country I'm in.

Then again, I think that, with all the different cultures and backgrounds, I could be completely happy. In the movies it seems like I could get on a train and end up in another country if something is not working out anyways.

I have always had this plan to, at some point, live in a Spanish speaking country, because I know with the background I have with Spanish, that I could, with less than a year, be totally immersed in the culture. After some serious thought about doing this when I decided to leave Colorado, selling all of my belongings and moving to Mexico, I ended not going through with it. I have kind of put that thought of doing this in the "could of - should of - but didn't" folder of my life. Now I have been altered in a way that I can't stop thinking about living in a place like England, Russia, or any place where my white, blue eyed and blond ass would fit right in.

Here's where the writing and my work background comes into this. I wonder if it would be a good career move to go to another country as an American writer, doing whatever writing that could sell, even if it is not fictional. Is there a market for such a thing in Europe or would it be even harder to do than in your native country and language? It's already a one in a million long shot of becoming a paid writer, and a two in a million chance of becoming a paid screenwriter. Maybe it's worse, as an American, outside North America.

Hold up! What a minute, dude (or should I say boob) You have a career in hotel management. The problem is that I am a writer, not a hotelier. My focus in life is writing. Any career move I would make would be solely based on becoming a paid writer. They have hotels in Europe, don't they? That would be my way in, of course. I just don't want to do anything that would stray me away from my writing path.

Don't get all worried family. I would never, in a million years, pick up my belongings and move anywhere in this world without having a job waiting for me. I have been stupid once in that regards. I won't be stupid again. I'm just wondering if I should do whatever I could to make something like this happen.

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