
About Writing

I haven't written anything lately regarding writing, especially screenwriting. I don't know what it is but I just can't seem to look at a screenplay the same way I did before. Even though I have written several short and medium length stories, screenwriting is still is my number one focus - my love. It got under my skin like a bad splinter and I haven't been able to get it out, no matter how much I chew on my nails. Instead, I have been living with the pain for some time now. (It's a good pain though.)

I have blogged earlier regarding this time of the year being the time when there are several writing competitions just waiting for my submission(s). I have a screenplay that I've done several re-writes on, as well as spending dozens of hundreds of minutes thinking about, making notes, and I think it is a type of story those grungy indie movie makers would love to do. It is about a good 10 hours away of blood, sweat, alcohol and caffeine away of nailing it down so I can move on to other writing pursuits. I just can't seem to do it. I know I will, eventually, but when, I don't know.

Maybe tonight.

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