
Fortune Cookies

I was lucky enough to get two fortunes out of one cookie. I would like to share.

#1 - Focus on your long-term goal (see almost every other posting on this blog). Your wish will be granted next year.

Are you kidding me? Next year? It's like August already. Can I look for my new house in L.A now? Should I hire an agent, pay him, or her money I haven't earned yet? This is fan-f'ing-tastic!! I'm going to be a screenwriter.


After doing several cartwheels, flipping off every patron in my favorite Chinese food restaurant, including the bluetooth lady (see my prior blog posting), telling them that they can screw off because I'd be a screenwriter soon, setting meetings with the top talent in Hollywood, driving cars like you see on Entourage, earning several thousand dollars almost immediately, I get my second fortune.

#2 - Boats and water are in you future.

Okay. No problem. I'll just swim or catch a ferry to L.A. I live in Portland, Oregon. I'm sure it'll be a short trip. As long as I carry my notebook and my laptop in one hand and a couple days worth of underwear in the other, I'll be fine.

Fuck No! I hate water. I even hate the idea of boats floating on water even more. With all the money in the world I'd still have to get to L.A by land.

As I listen to the song, Helpless (seriously!) by Neil Young, I realize that's it's almost three a.m and I have to be at work, at a job that I really don't like, in less than four hours.

I guess I'm fortunate to have a job.

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