
10 Random Thoughts

Handkerchiefs? Snot should be disposed of ASAP, not stuffed in your pocket for a later date.

I’m glad I’m not Italian. I don’t like Italian food.

Toilet seat covers don’t always stay on when you place it on the seat but when you flush, they rarely go down without a little assistance.

What do cows think about?

If you were a cow, wouldn’t being tipped over be kind of fun? At least different?

I wish I had a nickname. Nicknames are cool.

When does a napkin stop being a napkin? Hey napkin abusers! You CAN use more than one per sitting.

Wouldn’t pricing clothes by the amount of fabric detour people and their kids from gaining weight? (Sorry tall people). Further more, why don’t Big ‘n’ Tall stores carry more designer and popular clothing brands? I don’t know, could it because of the amount of fabric?

Do you ever wonder how people describe you to another person who also knows you but can’t remember your name? Is it by your physical appearance, your personality or your character flaws?

What if all appointments and schedules were based on how movie theatres schedule their movie times?
"What time would you like me to start work?"
"Why don’t you come in at 7:20am this week but next week come in at 6:50am."

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