I have, unofficially, got my first negative/"I don't understand" comment on one of my blogs.
This is wonderful. I wanted this.
I must clarify my posting about relating writing to the show "American Idol".
All I was saying is that we cannot dismiss (or laugh) at all of the bad auditions on that show, because art is about exposing one's self. If artists, no matter how bad (or good) they are, gave up after their first negative review, we would be without art. Van Gogh would have an ear, and all of those authors that the character, James Lear in "Wonder Boys" so, spectacularly spouted out about committing suicide, would have died by natural causes without writing a thing (or at least a good thing).
Life is about exploration. Life would suck without boys and girls singing in front of Paula Abdul.
(wait a minute... did I just say that?)
Yes I did. Paula Abdul, giving praise to almost everyone that can't sing (singing can be learned) has done the best thing she could have done. She has given hope... she has given those with a voice, (a bad, but an improving voice) something to hope for.
I have a voice and I am your next American idol.
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